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Where's the Meat?

Remember this line,... "I'm so sorry, I forgot that you don't eat meat... we have salad."


prepare your own or send the chef a great gluten-free way to enjoy meat substitute without loosing that memorable taste.


By just changing the consistency you can have fish chicken and beef taste and flavor.


Don't be left out at the next BBQ. Lets get cooking...

Gluten Vegan Meat

- 1 Cup Water or Broth (fish, chicken, beef, veg)
- 1 Cup Gluten Flour
- 1 tsp Baking Powder
- 1 tbsp Veg. Seasoning
- Sea Salt, or (mushroom soya sauce) to taste.
- Browning or tomato paste can be added for colouring. 


  • Step 1.  Mix all liquid ingredients in a bowl adding salt to taste. (Adding soya sauce at this point will add color and salt taste to mixture. Also if you add browning and/or tomato paste at this point will affect the color of all your dough.)

  • Step 2.  Mix all dry ingredients evenly together in a serperate bowl. ( you may want to add other dried power seasonings at this point such as onion powder or garlic powder to you dough.) remember you have already add salt to your liquid!!

  • Step 3.  Slowly add liquid to dry ingredients in bowl mixing as

  • you pour until you have none sticky dough.

  • Step 4. At this point you may want to add additional coloring to

        dough by speckaling browning/tomato paste. folding the the

        dough and stretching it.

  • Step 5. let dough sit for 5 - 10min  then cut into meat size


  • Step 6.  Add approximately 4 cups of water to pot and

        bring to a boil. (adding flavor to you water will add

        flavour to your end product.) add cut dough

        portions into the pot and cook for apporoximately

       10 min.

  • Step 7.  Remove dough from pot and place on

       a drip rack.


  • Step 8. Season, slice, dice, bake, or fry

        your meat substitute as you would


        Hint:  For a fish taste I add more

        liquid and use fish broth. For a

        beef taste I used more browning,

        less water and beef broth!

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